CensusAtSchool 12 Results

8,610 secondary school students from 243 schools completed the Phase 12 questionnaire of the CensusAtSchool survey between August 2012 and August 2013. The questionnaire covered a variety of topics ranging from how students travelled to school to how much they use the internet and what types of musical instruments they play.
– Interesting findings from results:
- Nearly two-thirds of students (61%) were in touch with friends over the Internet during the week prior to answering the survey.
- Just 2% of students stated they had not been online during the same time period.
- 45% of students indicated they play a musical instrument. The most popular instruments were the Piano (30%), Guitar (25%) and the Tin Whistle (13%).
- Over two-thirds of students (67%) have a game console at home.
- Spanish (41%), Italian (16%) and Chinese(11%) were the languages stated by students as being the most preferred to learn when given a choice of any languages that were not currently available in their schools.
- The most common method of travelling to school by students was by Car (47%). Travelling by Bus (27%) and Walking (21%) were the next most popular methods of travelling to school.
- 44% of students take less than 10 minutes to travel to school. In contrast 3% of students take over 60 minutes to travel to their school.
- Male and female students both selected Football, Boxing and Athletics as the top three sports in which they would most like to represent Ireland at the Olympics from a list of 28 options.
- CSO Further Findings…
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