CensusAtSchool 17 Results

From an estimated 357,000 secondary school students, 2,253 (0.6%) students completed the Phase 17 questionnaire of the CensusAtSchool survey. It was available between September 2017 and August 2018. The questionnaire covered a variety of topics ranging from FIFA World Cup, students' trust in the media to dietary habits.
– Interesting findings from Phase 17 results:
- Half of students (50.2%) use social media as their main news source. Almost three in five higher second level students (59.3%) identified social media as the main source compared to two in four lower second level students (39.0%). However, when asked to rank the level of trust in news sources, students ranked social media and magazines as being less trustworthy than other established media sources.
- Over a third of students (36.9%) ranked the reason “To have fun” as the main motivating reason to play sport. The least important reason was “To win”.
- Skill was the most popular physical ability selected by students. Over a quarter of males (26.6%) selected strength as the ability they would prefer compared to only one in ten (9.9%) of females.
- Female students have a slightly lower average resting heart rate (68 beats per minute (bpm) than males (71bpm)). After a short burst of exercise, males displayed a greater percentage rise in their average bpm (51.7% increase) than females (38.0% increase).
- Male students were more likely to know that the 2018 World Cup was in Russia than female students.
Male students were also over two times more likely to correctly guess the winner of the World Cup as 14.4% of male students guessed correctly compared to only 6.3% of female students. - The most popular food for female students was carbohydrates with 39.1% of females selecting it. The most popular food type for male students was protein with over half of male students (52.5%)
selecting it. - Over half of students (56.5%) reported that they did not eat crisps and one fifth of students (21.7%) did not have sweets. Two in five students (41%) reported having at least two portions of both fruit and vegetables normally.
- Kylie Jenner was the most popular choice for all students when asked who they would like to live like
for a day, selected by 6.6% of students. Gender differences are evident with 11.6% of female students choosing Kylie Jenner while 8.4% of male students choosing Cristiano Ronaldo. - Further analysis…
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