CensusAtSchool 18 Results

From an estimated 362,000 secondary school students, 1,417 (0.4%) students completed the Phase 18 questionnaire of the CensusAtSchool survey. It was available between September 2018 and August 2019. The Phase 18 questionnaire covered a variety of topics including:
- immersion and interest in languages
- the most popular shoes
- objects to bring to a desert island
– Interesting findings from Phase 18 results:
- Three in four students spent less than €100 on their last pair of trainers (75%) while less than one in twenty students spent over €200 on their last pair of trainers (4%).
- The most popular type of shoe with students are trainers, with over half of students owning at least three pairs of trainers (56%). Wellies are the least popular, with only 45% of students owning at least one pair.
- Over four in ten females would like to learn Spanish (42%) while a third of males would like to learn Spanish (33%).
- Four in ten students can hold an everyday conversation in at least three languages (41%). Approximately 3% of students are conversant in at least five languages.
- The average height of a male 1st year was 1.63m, 4cm taller than female first years. This height difference increased to 13cm in transition year, with female transition years measuring 1.65m and male transition years measuring 1.78m
- Almost seven in ten students found that their school bags weighed less than 2kg. Males were more likely to have a school bag that weighed over 6kg (15% of males, 10% of females).
- The most popular object to bring to a desert island was food and water with over one in three females (35%) and one in four males (26%) choosing this object. Males were more likely to want transport off the island (24% of males, 17% of females) while females were more likely to want to bring a phone (15% of females, 6% of males).
Visit the CSO website to interact with the graphical representation of the result findings.