CensusAtSchool 14 Results

5,348 (1.5%) from an estimated 368,000 secondary school students completed the Phase 14 questionnaire of the CensusAtSchool survey between September 2014 and August 2015. The questionnaire covered a variety of topics ranging from how often students participated in family activities each week to the number of text messages they send daily.
– Interesting findings from results:
- Students heading to sleep after midnight will on average get up more than 20 minutes later each morning than students who head to sleep before 9 o’clock.
- Responses indicate that female students in non-fee paying schools sent the highest average number of text messages (36 texts) on the day prior to completing the survey. In contrast, male students in fee paying schools sent half as many texts (18 texts).
- Just under half (44%) of male students imagine their future fame will be in a sports related area. The most popular choice for female students (27%) was in the field of entertainment.
- Data indicates that the price students pay for jeans rises as they progress through secondary school for both males and females. Female students paid an average of €21 for jeans when they are in 1st year. In contrast, 6th year female students paid on average €27 for a pair of jeans.
- Over one fifth of students (22%) who have allergies indicated they were allergic to peanuts. Over half (51%) of students with allergies indicated their allergy was not one of the more popular allergy’s listed in the questionnaire.
- Further analysis…
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