CensusAtSchool 21 Results

From an estimated 391,703 secondary school students, 1,748 (0.4%) students completed the Phase 21 questionnaire of the CensusAtSchool survey. It was available to students and schools between September 2021 and June 2022. The Phase 21 questionnaire covered a variety of topics including:
- Physical Activity and Health
- Technology
- World Cup
- Charity
– Interesting findings from Phase 21 results:
- Over 40% of students said their physical activity increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was also encouraging to see that 63% of students were members of a sports club. Other interesting health related data showed students got on average 8hrs 22mins sleep when they didn’t have school the following day compared to an average of 7hrs 26mins when they had school the next day. 25% of students used a smart watch to monitor their physical activity and sleep.
- Students were asked a range of technology related questions. An interesting question asked again of students was which application they would choose if they could only have one on their phone. Snapchat was the winner again this year and its share has increased to 50%. Only 24% of students downloaded the COVID Tracker app however. Students were also asked how many minutes per day they spent on different activities. Students spent far more time – 670 minutes – on their mobile phone compared to all the other activities combined.
- Students were asked which country would be hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup. 75% of students got this correct by choosing Qatar as their answer. Students were also asked to estimate how many games would take place in total during the World Cup. The min guess was 1. The max guess was 999. The mean was 75 games.
- Students were asked about which charity they would donate to if they had €1000. Health related causes was the clear winner with 31% of students picking this as their choice.
- Students were also asked about how strict their parents were on a scale of 1-100. 49% of students selected a value of 50 or over.
Visit the CSO website to interact with the graphical representation of the result findings.