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2020/2021 Latest

CensusAtSchool 20 Results

From an estimated 379,183 secondary school students, 1,198 (0.3%) students completed the Phase 20 questionnaire of the CensusAtSchool survey. It was available to students and schools between September 2020 and June 2021. The Phase 20 questionnaire covered a variety of topics including:

  • Irish culture
  • Travel to school
  • Internet connectivity and apps
  • Lockdown learning and pastimes
  • Interest in politics

– Interesting findings from Phase 19 results:

  • Running/Walking tops the list of fun pastimes students engaged in during lockdown, with baking a close second.
  • Most students felt it was a good idea to cancel the exams last year, with 76% choosing this option. There was also good correlation between male and female students on this issue, with 75% of females and 77% of males feeling exam cancellation was the correct choice.
  • 56% of students felt that exams were not a fair way to be assessed and when asked how they would like to be assessed. 59% favoured a continuous assessment or project-based approach.
  • Travelling by car was the most popular mode of transport at 46% followed by taking the bus at 32%. The average time it took students to travel to school was 17 minutes.
  • Snapchat was also the students most popular method for communicating with their friends at 39%, followed by in-person at 21%.
  • The average download speed students achieved was 59Mbps (Megabits per second) and upload speed was 49Mbps. Most students tested their broadband speed on a Tuesday.
  • Interest in politics was mixed with 41% of students selecting (scale 1-100) a value of 50 or over for their interest in Irish politics.
  • Students were asked where they might achieve fame in 2035. Politics didn’t fair great here at 4% with most students feeling sport was their best chance to achieve fame at 27%.

Visit the CSO website to interact with the graphical representation of the result findings.