Statistics, Maths
CensusAtSchools Activity Pack

Maths teacher, James Carroll, has created a supporting educational resource pack to accompany the CensusAtSchool initiative in Ireland.
- CensusAtSchools Presentation (191 slides)
This is the major document of the pack and is presented as a Powerpoint Slideshow and a PDF file. The idea is that students take the questionnaire and then explore key statistical concepts by analysing their own data (or the data provided in the EXCEL spreadsheet). For each of the aspects of the course, I presented an activity to introduce the concepts, a practical example using the data in the spreadsheet and followed it up with related exam questions. There is a menu system on both the slideshow and the pdf allowing easy navigation through the presentation. - CensusAtSchools Questions (38 Pages)
So this is a PDF document of all of the activities and exam questions. This can be given out to students who can then work away on exercises or be given exercises for homework. Most of the activities have solutions on the presentation though a couple (mostly open-ended questions) are left for the teachers to explore with their class. - CensusAtSchools Sample Data
So this was a randomly generated excel sheet with sample data for teachers who may not have the time to collect such data themselves. There are tools on the excel sheet for analysing the data and the sheet can be modified by teachers to work with their own classes results. - Measurement Cards
These ready-made cards save time and are a good way to get students focused on the task. - Statistics Overview
A nice mind map summarising statistical investigations, data collection, analysis etc.
Teacher support materials
CensusAtSchools 2019 20 Activity Pack PresentationDownload
CensusAtSchools 2019 20 Activity PackDownload
CensusAtSchools 2019 20 Activity Pack QuestionsDownload
Statistics OverviewDownload
CensusAtSchools 2019 20 Measurement CardDownload
CensusAtSchools 2019 20 Measurement Card (White)Download
CensusAtSchools 2019 20 (Sample Data)Download